
Willpower is not the Secret to Reaching Your Goals. You Need a System

A lot of novice Stoics fall into the trap of believing that you're somehow far more worthy and noble if you put yourself in front of temptation and resist it consistently. Whether it's sticking to an exercise routine, watching less Netflix, working on your side hustle or being virtuous, going all-in on willpower will not get you there. 

Tough love: what matters is the objective result, not how hard you've tried. I've said it before, but it bears repeating: Stoicism is not the philosophy of giving up and accepting whatever happens. It's the philosophy of doing your best and then recognizing that on a fundamental level, the outcome is not within your control.

The difference is subtle and yes, it does mean that you have a duty to maximize your chances of reaching your target before you're off the hook.

All-in On Willpower? Not So Fast.

💡  First things first: willpower is not in short supply and believing that it is might hinder your progress. However, this fickle beast requires constant training - much like a muscle. You should aim to resist your impulses a bit better everyday, but you need to be realistic about how much temptation you're capable of handling at the same time. As in all things, a little self-awareness goes a long way

Since you're reading this, I'm willing to bet that you're a complex creature with a wide variety of personal and professional goals - this is exactly what makes a willpower-only approach so inadequate. Like a character in an RPG, you never know where you will encounter your next enemy (read: temptation) around the playing field. Your stamina is limited - you need to dose your efforts such that you have enough to battle all of them. It's easier if you have a strategy.

Creating an environment that supports you by removing the triggers of undesirable behavior is not an unvirtuous shortcut, it's simply smart. Think of it as front-loading the work you would need to do to every time you decide to stick to the self-improvement journey instead of giving in to old habits. 

🧠  Let's look at a concrete example to better understand how a system can help you stay on track. 

Say you want to lose weight by adjusting your diet. You resolve to avoid the usual suspects: chips, chocolate and soda. They are normally lying around your kitchen, living room table and desk, waiting to seize your attention and put the thought of snacking at the back of your mind. Sure, you could give yourself a mental spanking every time you want to reach out for them and you'll succeed the first 9 times, but I guarantee that you'll be munching away by the 10th. 

You've been there and it's disappointing, but it's not entirely your fault. Decision fatigue is a well-documented phenomenon and it's causing you to take worse decisions if you've already had to take too many within a short time span. I know you think of yourself as an epitome of rationality (I know I do!), but that's simply not the way our minds are built. Here's a better representation: think of your capacity to make good decisions as bar that depletes every time you make a choice. 

Every time you fight the urge to eat, the bar depletes further, until you give in to the temptation. This, of course, assumes that 'to snack or not to snack' is the only choice you have to make that day - which couldn't be farther from the truth. It's also obvious how this constant fight with yourself could throw you off your game on an even larger scale: even if you have a larger-than-normal bar, you wouldn't want to use up all of it on a single goal. 

So What's the workaround?

💭 To maximize the chance of reaching your goals, you need to create an environment that eliminates the decision entirely. Consider this system: you stop keeping snacks at home, avoid that isle of the grocery store entirely and brush your teeth immediately after meals so that you keep yourself from eating again too soon. Doesn't that sound far more sustainable and less mentally taxing? 

Not only will snacks grab your attention less, but there is more friction in the process of getting one if you do find yourself craving it. You could always head for the grocery store to get a snack in the moment, but there are good chances you'll be too lazy to do it.

Tips on Creating Systems to Reach Your Goals:

  • Always target the elimination of spur-of-the-moment decisions. Your goals take priority: they shouldn't fall victim to whatever life throws at you that depletes your better judgement.
  • A good system is deeply rooted in self-awareness: set obstacles that employ your avoidance behaviors (such as laziness) if you're trying to create good habits.
  • Analyze your patterns and identify potential failure mechanisms. What could prevent you from staying on track? Address each of these with a step in your system.
  • Your system is not set in stone; be mindful of what isn't working and don't be afraid to readjust.
  • Don't wait until you have the perfect system to start going after your goals. A single idea to automate keeping yourself in check is enough to gain momentum and spur others. Build your system by doing. There's no way you'll anticipate all the ways you're able to self-sabotage before you start. 

But most of all:

To reach your goals, don't rely on willpower alone; you will burn out. Create an environment that will keep you on track. Success should be built-in, not an uphill battle.

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Ready to make reaching your goals easier? 💪  Pick a goal and commit to finding a system that works for you, I'll help! Take a screenshot of this post, tag me (@the.stoic.optimizer on Instagram, @stoicoptimizer on Twitter) and share it and I promise to become your accountability partner and periodically ask you how you're progressing. If you're feeling stuck, you can always DM me and I will do my best to suggest improvements to your system. You've got this, all you need to do is start! 🎯 

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Yes, the featured image was created with Midjourney, in case you were wondering, 
The text was, however, written by a human. (A human who can’t draw.)


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