
The Best Podcasts on Stoicism in 2023 for Wisdom on the Go

Of all the ways to include a bit of Stoicism into your daily life, podcasts are perhaps one of the most accessible. As a concept, they also scratch that optimizer itch, as you can pack some extra productivity into the time you're spending on chores or running errands.

I set out to find the best podcasts on Stoicism so that you can spend your time becoming wiser, not digging for the perfect episode in a sea of noise. "Best" is subjective, so I'd like to add a short disclaimer before we get to the actual list.

You might not like some of the shows included here - I've added my own words of warning to some of the items - but I wanted to start a conversation about those who have built an audience around Stoicism today and to show that the existing interpretations of the philosophy can be very diverse. Even if you don't immediately resonate with some shows, it's worth listening to an episode just as a healthy reminder that opinions other than your own exist.

Because of this, the podcasts aren't listed in any particular order - since most people don't read list posts till the end, I wanted to give the smaller podcasts the opportunity to be discovered too. So keep scrolling; you might find your next favorite out there.

1. The Daily Stoic Podcast

This one's a classic and no matter what you think of him, Ryan has introduced a lot of people to Stoicism, so he deserves to be first on this list. Each episode is like a page out of the Daily Stoic and features a quote, together with a short reflection on what it might mean and how one might apply it IRL.

Pro tip: if you feel like the lengthy ads distract from the experience of an otherwise short podcast when you're binge listening, you might want to set your  player to automatically skip the first parts of each episode.

Who is it for? Those who are looking for a short Stoic meditation to ponder as they go about their day.

2. The Stoic Meditations Podcast

Massimo Pigliucci is a well-respected modern Stoic, so it's unsurprising that his podcast has gathered such a wide fanbase. 

Each episode follows a predictable pattern: musical introduction (which, TBH, reminds me more of the Renaissance than Antiquity), a Stoic quote from one of the classic texts and a short interpretation thereof.

Episodes are only 2-3 minutes long and tend to come out daily. Whether that is a bug or a feature is up to you to decide. 😉

Who is it for? Those who prefer to have their bite-sized meditation topics delivered with an academic flair.

3. The Modern Stoicism Podcast

Modern Stoicism - yes, that one - of Stoic Week & Stoicon fame, started its own podcast in 2020 and has managed to interview the top names writing and speaking about the philosophy today.

Every episode is jam packed with insight and covers a different application of the philosophy (there's even one on health and nutrition!).

The only 'fault' I could find with this one is that there hasn't been a new episode since the end of 2020. So if you're reading this, Modern Stoicism, know that we're rooting for more!

Who is it for? Those who want to understand the current landscape of Stoicism and get a glimpse into what the most knowledgeable people in the field are thinking about.

4. The Stoic Salon Podcast

No matter what other Stoic podcasts you're following, this one is a welcome addition to your list, as the topics discussed tend to be overlooked by other shows on this list. 

What I like most is that the host, Kathryn Koromilas, prompts her guests to be vulnerable and show how they apply Stoicism to their relationships and daily lives, so you're bound to pick up a few practical tips while you're listening. 

Who is it for? Those looking for a female perspective on Stoicism - we can all agree those are hard to come by.

5. The Strong Stoic Podcast

A combination of the host's reflections on Stoicism and guest interviews, this podcast hits on many of the philosophical questions we carry with us on the daily and proposes small improvements we can adopt immediately. 

A word of caution though: Brandon, the host, is a fan of Jordan Peterson, which sometimes casts a shadow on his interpretation of the philosophy. So keep your critical thinking hat on you at all times as you listen to this one.

(P.S.: Not sure why the association with Jordan Peterson is problematic? Read this excellent article by Massimo Pigliucci.) 

Who is it for? Those who are looking for a podcast that discusses Ancient philosophy in the way a sports coach might explain it.

6. The Good Fortune Podcast

This is another short one (with just 22 episodes at the time of writing), but asks a lot of important questions - Why should we continuously confront death? comes to mind from episode 13.

Each episode of about 15 minutes presents a quote that summarizes an OG Stoic's view on a certain topic and then proceeds to explain what we might learn from those words of wisdom.

I appreciate that Matt adds transcripts to his episodes, since that makes it easy to find an idea you liked, but couldn't immediately write down or look up, and also helps those who read faster than they listen go through the content at their own pace.

Who is it for? Those looking for a slightly longer discussion on a Stoic quote than the Daily Stoic or Stoic Meditations provide, but which can still be consumed during a short errand run.

7. Stoicism For A Better Life Podcast

On its 4th season at the time of writing (keep up the good work, Anderson!), this podcast aims to teach you how to apply Stoicism to live an anxiety-free life. 

I like the fact that the host is trying to define his own life philosophy on top of Stoicism as that's what we should all be doing. He's also got the method right: make sure you understand the tenets of the philosophy deeply, then proceed to build upon that.

Who is it for? Fans of Anderson Silver's books, of course, and anyone looking for an example of how you can design a life around Stoicism.

8. The Walled Garden Podcast

It used to be called The Practical Stoic Podcast, but has since been rebranded. The content frequently hints at Stoicism, but ever since the name change, the topics have veered more towards spirituality, consciousness and dare I say - mysticism. 

While this might contradict one of the basic tenets of Stoicism (i.e.: that it is a philosophy built on rationality not belief), I recognize that this might be exactly what some people are looking for, which is why I've featured the podcast on this list. The guests are not too shabby either, with some of them teaching a flavor of Stoicism that is less rooted in transcendentalism.

Who is it for? Those with spiritual inclinations, for which the lack of pure rationality in a philosophical argument is not a deal-breaker.

9. Stoic Coffee Break Podcast

Even if the podcast is in an indefinite hiatus at the time of writing, you'll find a ton of interesting ideas in at least one of the existing episodes. 

What I like most about this podcast is that Erick gives you a glimpse of how he applies Stoicism to various situations in his own life, aside from explaining various tenets of the philosophy. Give it a listen, you'll find a lot of the examples surprisingly relatable!

Who is it for? Those who don't want an academic philosophical discussion and are looking for practical Stoic advice to implement immediately.

10. What Is Stoicism Podcast

This new kid on the block is off to a great start! With short episodes of around 5-10 minutes, this show aims to provide Stoic reflections in a way that is actionable and easy to understand even for those who might be new to Stoicism. 

What's unique about this podcast is that every once in a while the host releases an exercise or meditation episode which complements the rest of the content by inviting you to actually experience Stoicism, rather than just listen to it.

Who is it for? Those who like the format of Massimo's Stoic Meditations, but would prefer a less academic take.

11. The Sunday Stoic Podcast

This podcast has 2 main episode formats: the quote + explanation show that you're probably familiar with from other items in this list, and the talk show format, where the host reveals his interpretation of a Stoic concept or interviews a guest. 

I like that he has taken a very systematic approach to the quotes he chooses to discuss - they usually follow each other in the original text, so binge listening episodes in chronological order is almost like reading the Ancient text in class and having a wise teacher explain them to you as you go.

Who is it for? Those who want to have the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius read to them with commentary that follows shortly after each quote. (Don't worry, there's more than just Marcus to learn from!)

12. The Stoicism on Fire Podcast

Even if modern Stoicism seems to be all the rage today, Stoicism on Fire surely gives it a run for its money by focusing on a more traditional approach. If you're looking for commentary on more obscure aspects of the philosophy, such as Stoic physics, then you're in the right place.

A word of warning, though: I frequently hear people saying that they find Chris a little preachy, so if you're triggered by that, choose a different podcast for your next listen.

Who is it for? Those who need a break from the 'Stoicism as the ultimate lifehack' rhetoric. 

13. The Stoic Sage Podcast

This show promises to teach you "how to think, rather than what to think", which is an initiative I wholeheartedly support!

Whether it manages to make good on that promise is up to you to decide, especially since some of the more recent episodes feature political themes. 

If you're already following some other shows on this list, you'll appreciate that the format of this one is not just quote + interpretation, although dedicated quote episodes exist.

Who is it for? Those who like to read editorials, since this podcast is like an editorial in spoken form.

14. The Stoic Handbook Podcast

This is another show that promises to give actionable Stoic advice by looking at circumstances in which the Ancient philosophy might be applied to the eternal human annoyances. 

Once in a while, the host publishes a guided meditation, so if you find yourself too lazy to journal you can still get your dose of Stoicism for the day just by listening to an episode.

Who is it for? Those who are curious about Buddhism, since the host draws frequent parallels with Stoicism.

15. The Cheerful Stoic Podcast

Most episodes of this show are under 10 minutes long, although the odd interview comes in at the 1 hour mark. Regardless of the length, each episode is filled with optimism and positive reframing of the most unfortunate circumstances. 

Save it for a rainy day binge or consume it on the regular; this show is both lighthearted and profound. 

Who is it for? Those who want a more positive take on Stoicism for when all that memento mori has started to weigh on you.

16. The Stoic Solutions Podcast

Even if I don't particularly like the judgemental tone of some of the episodes (*cough* A Vegan Lifestyle *cough*), the interview episodes of this show feature a couple of prominent modern Stoics. 

If you're on the lookout for new words of wisdom from your favorite authors, you might find them in the interviews. 

Take the solo shows with a grain of salt though.

Who is it for? Those looking for an opinionated view of Stoicism, as long as they remember that not everything that's said in a confident tone is actually true. 

That's a wrap! With so many different Stoic podcasts to choose from, you're bound to have found your new companion to take on your next run or chore spree. Have you spotted any of your old favorites, or did I completely miss the mark?

Don't forget to check out this list on the best Stoic books next. You might find the next read to accompany the podcast you just picked out. 

P.S.: If you've started a Stoic podcast of your own and would like to be featured here, contact me

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Yes, the featured image was created with Midjourney, in case you were wondering, 
The text was, however, written by a human. (A human who can’t draw.)



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