Hi there,
It looks like you want to learn more about me, so let's get it out of the way quickly, so that you can move on to the more interesting posts.
I'm an engineer by day, a writer by night and an expat living in Zürich, Switzerland.
I'm on a quest for happiness (aren't we all?) and I've decided that all my problems can be solved in one of two ways: either by finding the best compromise in the situation you are facing, or by simply accepting the cards you were dealt. I call this the Stoic Optimizer method because it combines a modern form of Stoic philosophy with an approach to problem-solving that combines thorough understanding of the issue with minute self-knowledge.
I strongly believe that you only need 2 things to be adequately equipped for life's adventures: self-awareness, which will guide your decision making in ways that will allow you to be satisfied with yourself and discipline, which is crucial for systematically seeking the root-cause of life's challenges and for implementing the solutions you have carefully thought out. Both of them are completely learnable, and I've started this blog to spread the word and improve the lives of others as I figure out my own.
Happiness (or rather, eudaimonia!) is a multi-faceted problem, so I leave no stone unturned. I'll talk about psychology, business principles, philosophy, money and basically everything under the sun as long as it serves the ultimate goal: achieving a degree of personal freedom that allows contentment to flow naturally into your life.
You'll benefit from reading this blog if you identify with one or more of the following:
- You want to become the best possible version of yourself and you are willing to do the work required for self-improvement
- You want to learn what research has to say about happiness and how to conquer the human frailties that stand in our way of achieving it
- You feel overwhelmed by your current lifestyle and are convinced you could find your true purpose, if only you had a moment to yourself
- You want to become more resilient and more confident in yourself and your abilities, but don't know where to start
- You want to live a life that minimizes regret and maximizes freedom, in that your mind is no longer controlled by outside events
Take everything you find useful from this blog, combine it with your own knowledge and wisdom and by staying on this journey with me, let's make the world a better place, one happy human at a time!
To make sure you never miss a post, check back often (or sign up to the RSS feed!), sign up for the newsletter, or follow me on social media:
Oh, one more thing:
I take an extremely rational approach to my life journey, so if you're after the hippy-dippy 'get-happy-quick' schemes, scroll away fast, otherwise you'll be disappointed. There will be no magical thinking and no self-help gurus selling stuff here. Expect radical honesty with a pinch of tough love and to reap the benefits of a 2500-year old philosophy that has been reinvented for modern times.
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